Monday, February 8, 2016

神气澎湃的伯恩茅斯成员并首次以华语祝贺球迷 - AFCB CNY 2016 Greeting For M88 Gaming Fans


伯恩茅斯2016独家新年祝贺短片 神气澎湃的伯恩茅斯成员并首次以华语祝贺球迷 伯恩茅斯恭祝你新年好, 新年快乐, 吉祥如意, 年年有余, 吉星高照, 心想事成, 大吉大利 !!! 成员包括 Tyrone Ming's, Dan Gosling, Marc Pugh, Sylvain Distin and Tommy Elphick. Special For M88

Chinese New Year Greeting From AFCB "AFC Bournemouth" Team Members Tyrone Ming's, Dan Gosling, Marc Pugh, Sylvain Distin and Tommy Elphick.

M88 Gaming Wish you in this monkey's Year, Good fortune according to your wishes, Surplus year-after-year, Fortune will smile on you, May all your wishes come true and Lots of luck and profits. M88 恭祝你, 新年好, 新年快乐, 吉祥如意, 年年有余, 吉星高照, 心想事成, 大吉大利






Friday, July 31, 2015

TRIPLE LUCK - Avail of the 25% Cash Back offer this month with 'Any Triple' results this August!

Avail of the 25% Cash Back offer this month with 'Any Triple' results this August!
Promotion period is from August 1st 2015, 00:00:01 (GMT+8), to August 31st 2015, 23:59:59 (GMT+8).
Click Here To Join Now

Monday, May 11, 2015

足球巨星C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)的小球迷朗誦了一封發音不標準的信,引起台下一遍訕笑,C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)的反應讓所有人鴉雀無聲

足球巨星C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)的小球迷朗誦了一封發音不標準的信,引起台下一遍訕笑,C(Cristiano Ronaldo)的反應讓所有人鴉雀無聲.


克里斯蒂亞諾·羅納度,人稱C(Cristiano Ronaldo) ,是葡萄牙足球天王巨星,也是現任葡萄牙國家足球隊的隊長。常常被評為當今足球界最傑出、最頂尖的足球運動員。在世界各地擁有無數的粉絲。在不久前的採訪現場,一位日本小球迷寫了一封致C(Cristiano Ronaldo)的信,被邀請上台當面念出來給自己敬佩的偶像,卻因為葡萄牙語發音不標準引起現場台下的觀眾笑聲不斷,不過C(Cristiano Ronaldo)卻對他們說了這樣的話,捍衛自己的小球迷!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cristiano Ronaldo plays poker after Real Madrid star's three of a kind against Sevilla for seventh straight La Liga win in title race.

Cristiano Ronaldo was not satisfied by his three of a kind against Sevilla on Saturday as the Real Madrid maestro tried his hand at poker afterwards.
Ronaldo scored the 29th hat-trick of his career to help them win 3-2 against Sevilla in front of a full house at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan Stadium.
It inflicted defeat on Sevilla at home for the first time in 35 matches, but became Real's seventh straight win in La Liga. 


皇家馬德里足球俱樂部(Real Madrid Club de Fútbol)的 C.羅納度(Cristiano Ronaldo)在4月22日在和馬德里競技俱樂部(Club Atlético de Madrid)比賽前,C羅在練習任意球射門,但他的一腳射門直接飛上看台。
